/The last 1% is the hardest.

Exact paperwork be completed this Monday.

I thought long about sharing this or not.. Life of a start-up is not always easy and I have seen it takes a big toll on people and relationships. And I am well aware that by putting this out you are vulnerable. If the deal delays or in some way falls apart people will look at you and say .. “ha ha ha told you “.. If it goes through people will most likely think.. “Shit”.. and wont tell you..

This blog is not about ego - what others might think .. but about openness and the real life of a 15 months old startup and its founder(s). How he lost the love of his live but kept fighting for the purpose of the company and the dream to score the “un- scorable”. It is not always pretty, and sometimes its damn ugly like the last week on all sites. But if it helps one person to not give up if you are believing in a good idea.. it is worth it.

I Remember the first blog on this site.. 0 visitors and life torn to pieces.. It was called “black all black” I remember the day in Belgium like yesterday.. Look where we are now..

The above statement is part of a long waited email.. And to be honest it is an long weekend … Whilst strolling along the lakes of Lucern and Zurich and are stuck by the ever lasting beauty of Switzerland but also cannot wait to move the last pieces in Gibraltar to Spain and Switzerland and on a lot of points start a new chapter.

I will keep all updated next week, and lets kick some serious ass and let everybody think “Shit” they did it..

Have a great weekend !


/The last 0.5% is the hardest ;-)


/What a journey.. P1..