New Year, same different me
Its officially the last day of 2022. Whilst I strongly believed in the power of 222 in one number, I don’t think 2022 had what I expected. But it turned out to be not a bad year after all.
I just finished my last email to the USA about data set regulations in different states and just got a message on email that made me happy and sad at the same time. I guess I am not completely ready yet for 2023.
The customary surge of "New Year, New Me" blog pieces, newsletters, and Instagram captions generally occurs around this time of year, but this year I don't care to reinvent myself; I'm content with who I am and where I am going.
I have such a different attitude to work than I had 6 months ago. Whilst I still am recovering from some old bad mistakes I made in the beginning. With some new hires and attitude things are shifting quickly. Sticking in old energy was a bad move. Whilst a lot of people still don’t understand the rational between things it gets more and more in balanced, and I feel we are really going somewhere lifechanging.
Between 2016 and 2022 I was all about getting more and doing more. Growing my ego, growing exposure was all I did, increasing the amount of content I made and for a while it was exciting, and I was thriving, full of motivation. 2022 in the end was completely different for me and I know what changed, and who. Whilst I thought this was bad it turned out to be the best lesson - not to say it is easy. I realised that I am so lucky to have a job that I’m so passionate about, travel and build things with an amazing team. When the negative parts of my company started to outshine the positive I knew I had to take a step back, have a bit of reality check and find a way to be happy in my company. I want to be more flexible and spontaneous with my content, take it less seriously (whilst still being professional of course) and always remember why I started in the first place and the reasons I love my company so much. I just remind myself of the bubble we live in and how irrelevant it really is in the grand scheme of things. Here’s to another year of just being me and setting my own rules! Following my dreams and pursuing the things that everyone says. stop it. Aren’t the things worth fighting for the best in the end..
This will come after the new year.
I can’t really be bothered for New Year’s resolutions at this time of the day if I’m honest. I will post this tm or the second.
I am ready for a nye eve party. in a funny place with people I didn’t thought I will spend it with and without people I thought I would spend it with.. Life is I guess a learning curve multiplied by two. .
I’m not giving up on work and private.
Here’s to the new year and the same old me because with a bit more ice cubes, why constantly try to change something when instead you just learn to accept yourself change the wrong and accept for who you are and just enjoy life.
`my resolutions blog will come soon .. in a few days.