/A house is not a home part 2..
Fear is not a barrier to bold leadership.
It's armor.
Do we tend to be vulnerable and curious when things get tough, or do we protect ourselves in ways that distance us from our values? Or always right is a heavy armor.
He's defensive, he has good poses, and worst of all, he's a bullshit driver. It's also very common -most of us have some level of knowledge within us. Unfortunately for those in the know and thosearound them, having to know everything is pretty daunting. It leads to mistrust, wrong decisions, andunnecessary and unproductive conflicts.
I have thought a lot about myself the last week - as you are your own and only reference point..
Today I stepped out of my comfort zone and protective zone .. I let go and was vulnerable..
London this city is always bringing you a story …
Love it hate it.. it is what is is..