/Clients and the next chapter of my life

View from the DC place..

Clients and the next chapter.

The last couple of weeks/months have been good to me. Really good. I’m happier then I have been in a long time and that is mainly because I took the time to reconnect and learn - and men I had a lot to learn .. -

But I have come out stronger and better.

This doens’t mean that it is easy every day. And this week till Saturday night will be difficult. The why and what are for later but it’s a strange week.

I am a person that doens’t want to wait, hold off nd just want to go. But I have seen and realised that sometimes you can’t. You are pending on others. I understood a chapter in my life is closed this week and that feels strange and not expected. But I have listened to a coach and hope I have learned from this.

Normally my annual habit at the end of each year is to think about hope. Hope works better for me than resolutions. For those of us who suffer from worry frequently, hope is a balm. We immediately feel a little better as it counteracts our unfavorable anticipation. The only issue I see with hope is that it might be frail. Catastrophic thinking is more dependable for someone who is worried (and at least provides a pleasant surprise when we are incorrect). If you're anything like me, you're aware that "wanting" and "wishing" are frequently followed by a more intense level of fear: what if what I want doesn't materialise?

What if.. well If it doesn’t materialise and it doens’t falls into place.. you can only do your best.

You can’t control others thoughts or actions. But I am proud I stood mine, this isn’t easy and sometimes hurtful but It good to stand your feet.

More on this after the 24th

Now clients..

We have filed two patents and to be honest Im really proud of this.

Whilst the whole world thought we should stop this company we now have filed two patents, have made a case on credit card case which could be a very quick growing case..

I will write about this also over the weekend and from tomorrow Louisa will be managing this again..

An exiting year to follow different then expected, grown, new friends and lots of positive ennergy

I will update this weekend on Saturday to a full story, for those who wonder. My book isn’t gone.. I have decided that between Christmas and NY it will be rewritten a bit. So hold on for this. Well im tempted to fight the old I won’t .

Happy Christmas and till Sunday.



/The two day rule


/Back & What do we do.