/Let’s Turn The Lens On You

Can I Enjoy this /

Do you need the attention

Today I had a chat and the person said to me “do you need to be in expensive places to feel good” This line stayed in my head for a long time as it is a person I respect and cherish. I said “no” but I like it here it makes me feel good.

As everyone does currently we talk with others about problems in life instead of talking to each other .

Everything from “good for you, stand your ground,” to “she is right, just be yourself ”  I Have been told the last hours.. each time giving more context. But what if this is me.. What if my coping mechanism is that I like to every now and then spend time in a place that gives me peace but also gives me a reason to push myself, is that wrong ?

Spoiler alert: I think we  weren’t  just fighting about a visit to this place. We were debating two different psychological worlds. The debate has died down now, giving us a chance to analyse how it played out .It is helpfull because the polarisation has shifted on to other issues. From expensive houses to lies  to love and more, these issues are real and personal. But they also are vessels for a lot of other emotions. I might do things different and make mistakes, but I never close the book, I am open to talk, debate. But I am now doubting myself.. Should I just live a “normal life” ?

Next Wednesday I have a meeting with two legal people two co-foudners and a government about a deal pending for months, If I would have no dreams I would have given up years ago.. Is that wrong .. is it wrong to pursue this merger and JV ? And if it happens should I be ashamed about it because I dreamt about it and close the Mortage in this “expensive “ place then.

The above picture says it all.. I think we all put the two characters on a rock as we admired them.. that was wrong.. we shouldn’t but we should also not stop dreaming about our goals.. It might be a thin line

Couples diverge according to a variety of ideals. Which parents should we visit during the holidays—yours or mine? Do we need to get approval before making personal purchases if our money are shared? However, disagreements over social ideals among partners, families, workmates, and friends have reached a new level. These disputes bring to a head recurring tendencies in our interactions. A shouting couple can be heard expressing emotions such as respect, recognition, control, trust, compassion, and power if you pay close attention. I had tears in my eyes on our call and I believe that conflicting couples tend to merely look at the outside appearance. This can give us the impression that we are not only interacting with a world gone insane, but also a person we no longer know. Values aren't given much attention in contemporary romance. Who sticks around currently.. ?

Various ideals cause couples to divide. Should we spend the holidays with your parents or mine? If our money is shared, do we require permission before making personal purchases? But social divides between couples, families, coworkers, and friends have reached a new level. Recurring patterns in our interactions are brought to the surface by these disagreements. If you listen carefully, you can hear a shouting couple expressing emotions like respect, recognition, control, trust, compassion, and power. I think that couples who are having problems often only focus on the surface. This may give us the sense that we are conversing with both a crazy world and an unfamiliar person. Values don't get a lot of emphasis.

I cherish my life since a while again, and I cherish this person a lot I just wish sometimes we just take to time to listen to each other and and not just “empty” a gun.. I have learned an awfull lot from the person so my respect and love will always be there but pursuing my dream tomorrow will be hard the first hours.

This week I also had a chat with another shareholder.. lets say we couldn’t get along very well, and I think this is because of a few things I did wrong, but also because it wasn’t well communicated later on..

Since last Thursday I feel this is better and the lines are open..

Life is to short to hold a long laster bad taste …

A few thoughts..

Are You and your partner arguing over principles - this relates to business and private..

In daily life, give priority to areas of agreement.

Take a break when things are tense. On your alone, relax.

Prioritize compassion and curiosity when you're ready to communicate.

How did you come to think this way, for example?

What does your loved one fear losing? Pay attention to their underlying anxieties. Why does this matter to them personally?

Tell them about your own phobias. Tell them how and why you came to this conclusion, what you stand to lose, and why this is a sensitive issue for you.

What does a just and safe world look like to you, ask one another?

Can we disagree and still be friends?

But just communicate..

Tomorrow Ill finish my other blog… and Wednesday and Friday… well the will be interesting..

New week.. let it come


Ps I do have contact form if you disagree on what I say here.. one comments has been send.. and dealt with.. please send a remark if you want..

PSS there is always ….

Romano TOSCANO bear love

Bear Love




/Long awaited.