331 Days
You could probably list a hundred distinct factors that you believe contribute to success in the business and tech worlds. Perhaps it is tremendous access to a network, a terrific MVP, or great relationships.
What if I told you, however, that none of those factors predict a person's likelihood of success or failure?
Success really boils down to just one thing, believe it or not...
and that one factor is what most significantly separates those who succeed from those who fail.
What is that one thing, then?
It involves having the perseverance and fortitude to press on regardless of the circumstances. even when things are difficult. even if you make errors. even when circumstances seem hopeless.
Let me tell you, I am also aware of all of this, in fact, I spent my entire book explaining why it took so long and why I felt so bad for not succeeding.
There were times when I thought I had irreparably damaged my life. I have come to realize that I am completely alone, jobless, bankrupt, and in broken long-term partnerships. I have experienced heartache and betrayal, defeats and failures, crushing losses and harsh disappointments, health concerns, and financial difficulties. And created them myself.
And although my difficulties have been greater than those of some people, they have yet been far less difficult.
But such is life. Nobody is given a free pass.
After 331 Days, my most recent business signed its first deal. Although I've done this previously, this was a big challenge as it involved fighting things in multiple angles, and growing privately and business wise the same time.
It’s also surprising to me that on moments when you then look back and things fall in place the reasons why you did them in the first time are no longer there anymore. I guess life has a funny way of showing things.
I am extremely grateful an proud of the goal we achieved, the reward we got and the personal goals I achieved.
Ill try to finish the blog about the exiting path of correlations between all aspects of Maslow’s theory and his hierarchy of needs, a theory of psychological health predicated on fulfilling innate human needs in priority, culminating in self-actualization in correlations with our product, the government we are working with and more hopefully tomorrow otherwise early next week
I heard that 331 also carries the message that people have nothing to be worried about in life. As long as you’re passionate and confident in the things you do, you’ll be able to reap the fruits of your labor.
have a good weekend !