/Signed Sealed &almost delivered..
Instead of flying back today I stay a few more days longer in SF.
I am just back in the hotel and this city for sure has it interesting sides..
Back to where it started .. again now better..
I will write tomorrow Sunday here and well I guess notforyou gets an update..
Time to listen to some Perel Podcasts and get an early night sleep.
San Francisco city of Hoody’s contrast and so much more..
There are several points in life where you dont know what to do with your life.
Either Private or Business. Sometimes you just want to give up. And then just before you give up something happens.
At MLK the last couple of weeks I took stock of what I had built and realized it was time to expand or give up.
Sometimes the only way to survive is to expand.
A person I interviewed for a job decided to help and help since he as at a very respectable firm this was a big help in our process.
I am staying here in the USA a few days longer as this is what life brings.. is it easy.. no.. Is it the right thing.. In retrospective we will see. What is interesting in the USA though everything is in such a bigger scale.
Companies have almost 75Millions clients a company I met who started a few years ago have 1000 employees in the Bay Area its just to a scale you cant imagine.
We are a very small company but apparently have touched the nerve of the infection and seem to be providing a solution that gets the attention.
So Its not time to give up but to sign, seal and deliver. Deliver to all the people who worked hard for this, suffered hard.
Deliver for the people close to me to show them.. well what I want
And to proof that this is a good thing, it was worth pushing for..
We have two amazing things in the pipeline.. and I am proud of what we achieved.
I admire a few people in my surroundings who have build company’s for more then a decade and have kept it alive keep coming up with new ideas and keep it a sustainable source of income.
In the end you just can hope that you made the right choices and things fall into place.
Privately I made some choices and I also dont know.. was it right.. should I let go.. Life is never easy.. sometimes you just want a sign..
But as Jordan Peterson says.. stand straight up like a lobster..
I miss some people in my life.. I do.
But life has it reasons..
Straight up and a new week is almost there.