// Status Quo

 Status Quo.

// the status quo

The majority of people decide to take the popular course of action. When that path diverges significantly from the heart's actual aspirations though, there is a serious disconnect.

Why do individuals take the road less travelled, the one with tangled weeds and tree trunks in the way, when it is this one that enables them to achieve their heart's desires?

Lately I have been in a status quo more then I wanted, but since this weekend I pulled myself out of a few.

But why do we wait?

I guess there are a few reasons. One – there is a fear of failing and the humiliation it would bring.

It is likely that one will fail when taking a path less travelled, which is almost always the more challenging one. This possibility of failure is inherent in the unknown, which also happens to be one of the main characteristics of the unusual path.

Sadly, a lot of individuals are terrified of failing.  I’ve felt that a lot and I am indeed also afraid of failing.


“Failure is embarrassing. “

“Failure is followed by an obligation to defend oneself. “

If you think this, you're overlooking the gold nugget in the heap of dirt!

Failure is learning which path does not suit one's needs, which brings one a step closer to selecting the path that does.

When you realize this, it becomes blatantly evident that any discomfort or need for an explanation that failure may bring is worthwhile because of how much more we stand to gain.

Without this insight, people tend to stick with the status quo out of fear of failing.

It is also blatantly evident that any humiliation is unnecessary.

A fear of failing and the humiliation it would bring.

It is likely that one will fail when taking a rare road, which is almost always the more challenging one. The risk of failure that comes with the unknown, which also happens to be

Most people choose to follow the path of the majority. However, a major disconnect arises when that path does not align with the true desires of the heart. 

It also sometimes feels that people would rather look at you when you are failing then succeeding.

One of the main reasons people don't pursue their aspirations is a focus on the grind and the suffering that results from it.

Success, in whatever sense it may be to you, is not exempt from this rule that everything has a cost. When we concentrate on the price in a transaction, we are more likely to reject the offer and forgo any potential benefits. However, when we concentrate on the advantages of a transaction, we are more likely to make a purchase and complete the transaction.

This is fundamental human psychology, and it also holds true in the case of the common route vs the status quo.

People who adhere to the status quo typically lack confidence in their own capacity to complete the route they have chosen. The most reasonable course of action for this individual is to take the road that other people think they can travel on.

One must hone their tools and weapons, but most importantly, their belief, in order to overcome difficult obstacles such as climbing a hazardous mountain or swimming through torrential waters.

Lastly ..

The last conclusion can be a bit blurry. On occasion, we are unsure about the treasure trove we want to find at the end of our journey. We simply don't always know what it is that we want. Thus, we opt for the status quo, which is regrettably the rational course of action given the current situation.

However, there are instances when it is preferable to act irrationally in a situation that we would prefer to avoid.

I have found what I want and have found a well-known magazine to print my story before the book comes out. A very well-loved person in my life told me, “Just finish what you started before you move on.” I am putting things in line.

I have learned not to compare myself with others, only try to compare myself to the version of who I was yesterday and try to be better every day.

This weekend I drunk a Nespresso with some friends. I still don’t know if I should give up on love, so until then, let’s cherish the rest and Love will fall in place…



Last but not least.. Thank you for the people at this restaurant .. and thank you John.. for your continues support.. whilst .. Well .. we don’t need to go there..






// The strength of exposure.


// To quit or not to quit.