/A day in the sky.

Today is a day in the sky.

A long day in the sky.. When renewing your BA status in March is nice its not really what counts..

Tomorrow is a big day but I just hung up with San Francisco on some amazing news.. I am really proud.. of the small team..

We have a big puzzle and all pieces need to fall in place this week.. but the fist two days been one ride..

Ofcaurse we - I - am aware of the negativity.. but it does strike me that as soon as something seems to be going right.. you get calls.. - I always believed in it and now I think my effort needed to be better rewarded etc.. And can I join again.. Isn’t it funny.. let us do our thing the coming weeks and then we will talk.

Travelling is nice, but I miss things, one thing… Tonight I will read a book. Watch some Netflix and relax.

Last but not least..

I am learning to say sorry.. sorry for things I did not do well.. to the the people who did right..

So for those who know and I havent told.. Sorry.

The hardest part of being out of connection is the fear to be not worthy of connection.

Bear time ;-)


/What a journey.. P1..


/Dating & Resilience phase 2