Someone starting an own business is motivated by a fervent belief in your own talent, and many founders are also motivated by this belief when they forecast immediate, exponential development.

In actuality, relatively few businesses prosper right away.

Just because your business operates quickly doesn't guarantee that others will. Potential allies, investors, and customers do not concur with your feeling of urgency.

Everything always takes longer than expected, and as you gain experience, your expectations will probably change.

I was planning a bit of time to write on the progress but as everyone in life sometimes life catches up on you and you need an evening to reflect ..

So Wednesday I will update you on our new website, our bank client, our government client and our swiss share sell..

All exiting from the small rock which is called Gibraltar.

For tonight it is reflecting and some me time..

Today, I live by a few simple rules:

  1. I’m doing the best I can, which is enough

  2. I will allow myself to be seen and will show persistence,

  3. I apply the advice a coach gave me to all aspects of my life: Go further. Don’t be afraid. Put it all out there. Don’t leave anything on the floor. And show to the people who you love that your not perfect but also not only wrong..

  4. I will not be a mystery to my son. he will know me and I will share my stories with him—the stories of failure, shame, and accomplishment. he will know he is not alone in that wilderness.

“This is who I am.

“This is where I am from.

“This is my mess.

“This is what it means to belong to myself.”

Looking inside .. shedding a tear, on success and failure and on missing some things. I have been told today I have created the life for 100% what I wanted but it's for 50% empty and I need to see how to deal with that as I am not sure.. I guess that’s true.

With love and some some relfection’s



/A different kind of letter.

