/Dating & Resilience

London 11 March,

The day before the 12th.. this means nothing to a lot of people but a lot to me.

I arrived yesterday late in an hotel in London, when the night porter says “good evening mr Toscano we have the same room as last week” you know there is something wrong in your life. And I am happy I made a decision on a place.

Whilst Extremely proud of the progress we made - and this week my co-founders met our new partners in Swiss and to be honest that was surreal.

Now back in London, this is place which I havent processed yet.

I am - as many - in many ways hijacked by our own mental attachment that - in a lot of times - takes us away from our basic feelings - I am working again on what my heart says combined with the intelligence I have to see what is going on.

You are most definitely not alone if you have unresolved pain in your life, I know for a fact I am not. I have have build a bit of a handbook on how to deal with that.

Here are some strategies that helped me:

comprehend the consequences of trauma. Consult literature on overcoming trauma. Whether or not you recall the specifics of the event, discuss any behaviours in your life that might be connected to an early traumatic event with a therapist. I have a good one - and yess I have one..

Tell your tale. Keep a journal where you can write about your encounters, both recent and old. Alternatively, request that a close acquaintance sit by your side as you describe what transpired. By sharing your experience, you might make connections between what's occurring right now and in the past.

Take time. Take all the time you need. We are not made the same, and we all heal in our own way, our own time. If the process becomes too intense, slow it down. Take a break.

What has that to do with Dating ??

Well nothing with me.. Im not on apps or nothing but we discovered an new target variable of our algorithm for inclusion. This was purely by “luck” and we got an meeting in ten days with one of the biggest agency’s in the world on this.

Life has a very funny way sometimes.

Sunday more from the city, cold.. rain and pizza that is what it is tonight.

SVB just fell over.. wow…


/Dating & Resilience phase 2


/A house is not a home part 2..